Pinergy Surfing

The story behind this device goes back a long way. Growing up in Long Island New York, I have always been connected with the ocean. As a small kid who loved the ocean, I can remember getting together with my friends and heading for the beach whenever we had time. We would body surf at Jones beach in the summer. The memories are always of endless summer days and long summer nights.

Several years later my career life had taken me to Hawaii. After many years of living in Hawaii and body surfing, I learned how to ride a boogie board and then eventually surf on a surfboard. I felt reconnected to the ocean. It didn’t take long to learn how to read the waves like they were pages in a story book. I studied waves and learned how they work, how they break, and was always fascinated by the beauty of the waves on the North Shore of Oahu. While my surfing experience was short lived, I was nonetheless truly changed forever by the magic and the beauty of surfing.

Fast forward to the present day, happily married for nearly 16 years with my wife and two children. Living far away from the ocean in Las Vegas, I have always had a longing to once again reconnect with the ocean. The idea of this machine came to me one day while we were at a doctor’s appointment for one of my sons. Aside from the usual toys that are found in a typical waiting room was something from my early childhood. It was one of those pin cushion things you could put on your face and make your parents laugh. I connected this childlike image back to my own youth and had an incredible epiphany: This simple device could shape my hand, my face, anything that you put into it. If I could make shapes in this device, I could use it to make waves.

Soon thereafter my concept was patented, and the Pinergy Wave Shaper was created. By using the pins in infinite combinations, any bottom surface can be recreated, and hence any wave can be made. What’s even better is that the bottom surface can be changed in real time while surfing the wave shape that is made.

That is how this dream of recreating surf anywhere came to be. My device can be scaled to fit any need or locale; whether it’s in a surf tank in a theme park or in a lake or secluded beach somewhere, waves are waiting for you. Big or small; it’s your call. The only limits here are your imagination. Can you feel the magic that gives you goosebumps? I surely can. Go on, get some! You will feel great!

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